2012 is already knocking on the door!

Christmas is over and the last year of 2011 are in front of us, waiting to be filled with joy, bith sorrow, with laughing and playing, with thinking and joking,...with life.

I think nearly everyone starts to think about the last months when this time comes near. Pictures of things we made come into our heads, people we met, problems we solved or we didn't yet... and we start to ask ourselves if there is something to change, to do better, do try the next year.

I found an email I wrote in the end of 2010 to some people. I haven't finished all the things I wanted to do and I ask myself why I didn't do that. Wasn't it worth the time I had? Or did I spend too much time in things I should not have done?

At least I know that the next days I will do some calculation, review the last 12 months and remebre the good sides of 2011.


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